Student Wellness

Health, Wellness, and security

 The health, wellness and safety of our personnel and students on our campus in Potchefstroom, is catered for in various measures, procedures and policies. Qualified health and safety professionals undertake an annual occupational health and safety audit of our premises.


  • First Aid boxes are under control of appointed first aid officers.
  • A safety and security brochure provides information, advice and emergency telephone numbers.
  • Evacuation procedures and maps are posted at various points on our campus and learning centres
  • Medical needs: A List of hospitals and medical practitioners is provided for our students in residence.
  • International Students: International students are required to be members of an approved medical scheme. Enquiries may be submitted to the Registrar.
  • The Dean: Student and Community Life provides students with additional support and pastoral care.

Students with disabilities

The Academy welcomes students with disabilities and is committed to making reasonable arrangements to meet needs in this regard. The normal rules of confidentiality apply. Students will be given the opportunity to disclose her/his disability to the Academy. The institution will not disclose any disability to others without the consent of the student.


Arrangements include to ensure that disable students will have access to classes, the library, auditorium, W.C.’s, lecturer and administration offices and accommodation. As far as possible every effort will be made to fully integrate students with disabilities in Academy and student life.


Contact the Registrar for more info